Raising your profile and visibility in 5 KEY steps
Ever wonder how some people get ahead?
It's widely known that getting ahead is not just a matter of what you know but who you know. The question is who knows about you?
If you are serious about your career and continued employability its vital you figure out how to maximise your profile and visibility in order to be considered for opportunities before they are assigned to others.
In this article you will find strategies to help you enhance your exposure and career.
Learn to speak up
Business meetings provide a great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and increase your visibility within your team or department.
However sometimes it can be hard to be heard!
Identify why you think this is happening. Are other people more assertive, confident and vocal? More engaging, memorable and well versed in offering clear and concise communication? What is it specifically that stops you from offering your thoughts and opinions?
Once clear on your development objectives you can start to plan and prepare for the next meeting. Firstly, consider what you want to say. Review the meeting agenda. Then compose any questions you would like to ask and/or any points you want to raise. Finally practice. Rehearsing what you want to say out loud enables you to moderate your tone and pace ensuring that you get used to hearing yourself speak and get your message heard.
Demonstrate your expertise
A regularly updated and professional LI profile is a useful way to display your expertise through your achievements, awards and business experiences. With frequent interaction it provides a platform for you to offer a professional opinion in discussions demonstrating a solid grounding in your relevant field.
Being recognised for your contribution to your company, especially renown industry awards, is an effective way to increase your company profile. Seek out opportunities to be nominated for appropriate business competitions and ask for recommendations in support of your application.
Strengthen your relationships
Seeking regular feedback from your boss enables you to discuss what is going well and request suggestions for how you can improve. Informal conversations can identify
opportunities to raise your profile, such as high visibility projects which significantly impact the company’s bottom line or offer the chance to work with other teams and departments. Helping to build relationships across your organisation, enhancing your understanding of the company and raising your visibility to senior managers.
A further suggestion is to ask to attend cross departmental meetings as a representative for your business unit or function. Again, allowing you to learn more about the other business areas and to broaden your network.
Alternatively give yourself a career boost by volunteering to do something outside of your comfort zone. Or tackle a problem no one else wants to handle. Not only will it increase your knowledge and experience it will increase your network and visibility to senior management. Ultimately it may even provide a future career opportunity.
Grow your network
Making new contacts is essential if you want to expand your network in order to grow your profile. Providing you adopt a strategic approach and get specific.
Identify key stakeholders within your organisation; not just within your division but across business functions. Clarify your networking objectives and write them down. Consider the best method of communication to use to help build a relationship with the new contact. Or seek introductions from your existing network to facilitate an opportunity to connect. Making your intent clear is paramount as much as looking out for opportunities to reciprocate.
External events such as networking meetings, business forums or suitable industry conferences provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents. With regard to the latter if you have a particular expertise consider offering your services as a speaker or offer to represent your company in the accompanying exhibition. Equally worthy of consideration is participating in charity events which can help raise your profile while contributing to a good cause.
Find a mentor or coach
Mentors or coaches can offer invaluable advice on how to increase your profile and visibility.
A mentor or coach can help you learn from their expertise and identify what is needed to succeed in your organisation or profession. Acting as a sounding board to bounce ideas off and a confident to vent your frustrations with, mentors / coaches can help develop specific skills and knowledge required for success. They may also help develop a broader networking base providing access to new opportunities or find alternate routes when doors close to you.
If you are looking to gain a promotion or recently regrouping after an annual review set- back, why not check out my Executive Coaching Case Study on Gaining Promotion.