Career Exploration
Following an organisational restructure within a global advertising media giant, a senior executive took the opportunity to consider; had they reached a plateau in the company and was the work satisfying enough? Or could he generate an opportunity, internally or externally, to play to his strengths and develop new skills to cope better with an uncertain workplace?
Originally from outside the UK, with considerable success in leadership roles, he found his role no longer provided the level of challenge, variety and stimulation that allowed him to excel. Frustrated at this turn of events, he initially revisited his past successes, in an attempt to use these to understand and thereby refocus his career goals. But this strategy also surfaced doubts.
Unsure of his next step and stymied by the prevailing conditions he encountered, the executive realised his behaviours and ultimately his performance would suffer without proactive action. He openly acknowledged his enthusiasm and motivation had been adversely impacted leaving him questioning the direction of the company.
There was also a growing feeling of concern and dejection. Alien feelings he had never experienced before rose up, especially given previous successful transitions into new countries, cultures and organisations. Somewhat ‘lost’ and ‘unsure’ how to fulfil his career aspirations he realised his behaviours were derailing his chances of success.
Impact of Coaching
Combining two x 1.5 hour, one to one coaching sessions with six x 2-hour career coaching sessions over 9 months he successfully explored his self- limiting beliefs and replaced them with strong, positive ambitions. As a consequence of confronting inner fears, he freed himself from what became clear to be a life time of regrets, which he came to realise had continuously undermined aspects of his potential. He strengthened his resilience, increased his emotional intelligence and deepened his understanding of others.
Furthermore, he realised the importance of devising coping strategies to maintain a fruitful balance between work and life; supporting an ongoing journey of self-development and growth. He came to understand such dynamic coping strategies are now a vital tool for successful leaders seeking career longevity.
Having stabilised his self- perception, we moved the sessions to an assessment phase, targeting insight into strengths, communication and work style preferences and areas for development. This approach quickly confirmed the underutilisation of his current skillsets. It also identified a list of critical factors for future engagement and career progression.
Further reflection and discussion allowed him to explore bother internal and external career paths in a professional and structured approach. The executive transitioned into a new internal role, designing and stream- lining a business wide processes; this new responsibility reignited his motivation and passion for his work and raised his profile further.
In the process of self-discovery, the individual gained clarity, focus and direction in their career and helped their organisation to transform its processes culminating in greater client satisfaction / business results.